
致Nancy Pelosi — 代美國華人聯席會起草的信

征求意见稿 我有意避免 protest 等用词.尽量口气平和

Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi:

As Chinese-Americans, we are writing to you to question the wisdom of your visit to the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala so soon after violent riots in Lhasa and elsewhere, when some Tibetan monks engaged in assaults, arson and even murder. You were the first foreign dignitary to do so. We also question the wisdom of the Resolution on Tibet that you introduced and passed by the House.

We are loyal Americans. We care deeply about the fundamental interests of our country and the important US-China relations. We do not believe your actions serve those interests.

Let us face the facts. In your Resolution on Tibet, you admitted that “there have been reports that some Tibetans engaged in rioting that may have resulted in the destruction of government and private property, as well as the deaths of civilians”. Those are undeniable facts. Yet you put them in the subjunctive mood. You claim that the Chinese Government’s response result(ed) “in the deaths of hundreds and the detention of thousands of Tibetans”. But you provided no evidence. The Tibetan “Government in Exile” provided a list of forty deaths with only names and places and no other specifics. Careful investigations show that quite a few of the names are fictitious, and many others are in fact alive and well. These fabrications are no accidents; they show a pattern of untruth. The Dalai Lama and his advisor and younger brother Tendzin Choegyal once claimed “genocide” in the early sixties—more than 1.2 million Tibetans were dead as a result of Chinese “suppression”. But the official 1953 census recorded the entire population residing in Tibet at 1,274,000. Other census counts put the population in Tibet at about 2 million. To claim that the Chinese killed almost everyone in Tibet is patently absurd.

You describe violent riots as “peaceful protests”. That is standing facts on their heads. You also refuse to condemn the thuggish act of a “protester”, who pulled the hair of a handicapped young girl torch bearer, trying to grab the torch, and many similar violent acts that bring shame on our country, as we proudly uphold the rule of law.

You call on the Chinese Government to begin a results-based dialogue with the Dalai Lama. And you indicated that six rounds of dialogue produced no meaningful progress. But you did not explain why. As we understand it, the Dalai Lama not only asks for autonomy for Tibet proper but also for all regions where Tibetans reside, including parts of Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Sichuan and Yunnan. He also wants all non-Tibetans and all Chinese troops out of all those areas. His demands are tantamount to asking for virtual independence not only for Tibet, but also for what he calls “the Greater Tibet Region”. As you well know, the stationing of the national army is a basic condition of national sovereignty. And those demands are totally unacceptable to any sovereign country. The Chinese Government has indicated that the door to meaningful dialogue is always open.

We also take exception to your politicization of the Olympic Games and your suggestion that President Bush consider boycotting the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics. As Security Advisor Hadley and former president Carter have well said, there is no reason to stay away from the opening ceremony. We heartily support our athletes to compete in the Beijing Olympics.

As speaker of the House, you surely understand the importance of US-China relations. Yet you are doing everything to undermine those relations. We urge that you reconsider your position.


